Register an account

If you have not registered to use the Portal, you will need to do this before you can make your application.

Moving up to Secondary School or Starting School/Moving up to Junior School in September 2024

You must only register if your child lives in Buckinghamshire and you pay your council tax to Buckinghamshire Council (we are your Home LA) This does not include Milton Keynes.

You can check your Home LA by entering your postcode here.

If you are living overseas but will be returning to Buckinghamshire by September 2024, you should also apply using the Application Portal.

Late Transfer to Grammar School – Years 8 & 9 in September 2024

You can register and apply using the Application Portal no matter where you live.

Please note that if you have given us your email address, this will be our preferred means of contact with you.

Your registration was not successful. Please correct the error(s) below before proceeding
Required fields are marked with a red asterisk *

If you need help with your address, use the Post Office's Postcode Finder.

Provide at least one of House Number, House Name or Building Name *

Please supply a daytime telephone number where you can be contacted, if necessary.